In the kitchen: Practice lines 1-5 Aoó’ssini (Making Berry Soup)
In this lesson, you can practice repeating and recognizing the first 5 lines of this text.
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Lines 1-5 Aoó’ssini (Making Berry Soup)

Oki kitaakanistohpoaawa niita'paistotakio'pii aoo'ssini.
Okay, I'm going to tell you how we make berry soup.

(Ni)ta'stamsoyaakohsaki aohkii,
I just boil some water,

aahka'paanistsoyi kiipoyi ko'sistsi,
maybe about 10 cups,

kii aakotsiisi amii aohkiyi,
and when the water boils,

(ni)tsitsitaisapa'soyinni amiistsi okonokistsi.
then I pour in the Saskatoons